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How long does a session last?Normally 60 minutes, but everything depends on your necessities. The session inlcudes the warm up and the cool down/stretchng phase.
Do you have studio/gym where we can workout?No, I work at customers' place (house, office etc...) or outdoor. I'm not affiliated to any gym.
I live in a small place and I don't have much space: is it a problem?Absolutely not. I will design the workout according to the available space.
Do I need any specific equipment?No. I usually work bodyweight or with a light equipment* that I personally bring. Don't worry about that. *I personally desinfect and clean all the equipment before and after a session.
What is the Chair Massage?The Massage Assis et Crânien, or Chair Massage, which involves the head, skull, neck shoulders, upper back and hands, descends from an antique Indian tradition and it includes some techniques typical of Ayurveda and Shiatsu. Through gentle friction and acupressure, it aims at mental and physical relaxation. It's called Chair Massage because it does not require a lay or a massage table. You can on a normal chair, on a pillow, on a mat, or wherever you prefer. To give a more consistent muscular relief, which makes sense for a personal trainer, I can integrate some trigger point manipulations and deeper movements. In my opinion, it adds a more stretching side which can give great benefit.
Does it hurt?No. As told, it is normally quite gentle. Of course, trigger point manipulation it’s not always pleasant because it works on contracted muscles, but this is exactly the meaning. Moreover, I’d adapt the intensity and the strength according to your necessities and wishes.
What if I have a hernia or joint issues?I never touch the spine and/or manipulate vertebrae, bones or articulations. It is totally safe. I’d always ask for feedback and be sure you’re not in pain or discomfort.
Does it complete a physical workout or is it a totally separate thing?I’d say both. It is a great way to calm down your muscles, breath, and heart rate after a workout but you’d enjoy it even far from your session. It is not strictly linked to sports practice.
Why is it perfect as an “office massage”?Because it can be performed everywhere, dressed, seated (normal chair, mat, Swiss ball, etc…) without oil. It won’t oblige you to get undressed in your office and take a shower straight after. In addition, it targets some areas that normally get stressed during a working day, causing migraines and similar discomforts: the neck, upper back, hands (think about tapping all day and moving the mouse…), and head. For 30 minutes, you leave everything behind, close your eyes and take a real break.
Ok, no oil, but do you use any cream or similar?The massage usually aims at the connection between the masseur and the customer through “skin-to-skin contact” and the natural humidity created by the heat on hands and bodies. I personally prefer to use a simple skin cream to make it more pleasant, thanks to its scent too. In addition, I like to use some light essential oils and I do believe in the relaxing power of music (musicotherapy).
What's the cost for an hour of personal training?The cost of a regular 1-to-1 session (in person or online) is 58€ VAT included, 70€ in case of couple session. The rate for a group class or special programs will be discussed together according to necessities and requests. The cost of a massage is 1€/minute. Massage sessions longer than 30 minutes can include a stretching part.
What is the cost of a Chair Massage?The cost is 1€ per minute. The ideal length is between 30 and 40 minutes.
Do you apply travel expenses?Yes, if the destination is beyond 5km considering my address (29, Rue Wilson, L-2732, Luxembourg) as starting point. The additional cost will be calculated by mileage according to the ViaMichelin application's estimation rounded by excess.
What about the payment?I'm quite flexible: we can find the solution that suits you better. I always issue an invoice that you'll receive by mail.
Is the first session (trial session) offered?No, the first session has the same cost of a normal one.
How can I book a session?If you want to schedule a first session, please use the form that you can find on the SERVICES page or just contact me by phone or mail.
Where can I check your working hours and availabilities?I work from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 8,30pm and on Saturday from 8 am to 7 pm. I don't work on Sunday. To know my availability, please contact me directly.
I would like to move/cancel my session: what should I do?Contact me directly. A message is enough. We will find a solution that suits both. For massage service, when booked online, please find the "Reschedule/Cancel" options in your confirmation mail.
What about cancellation fees?The session will be charged if cancelled in the 12 hours prior to the scheduled appointment.
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